Results for 'Cláudia Servilha Monteiro'

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  1.  9
    A docência da Filosofia do Direito: educando para pensar o humano.Cláudia Servilha Monteiro - 2004 - In Luiz Carlos Bombassaro, Arno Dal Ri Júnior & Jayme Paviani (eds.), As interfaces do humanismo latino. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.
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    Relato de experiência através de vivências profissionais e a inserção da espiritualidade nos cuidados paliativos.Janaina Luiza dos Santos, Alexandre Diniz Breder, Irene Bulcão, Ana Carolina Ferreira Castanho, Lilian Claudia Ulian Junqueira, Ana Claudia Moreira Monteiro & Márcia Gomide da Silva Mello - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:307-319.
    A equipe da Enfermagem é privilegiada, pois, é o cuidador que permanece vinte e quatro horas na assistência direta do paciente, podendo ter uma visão ampliada da pessoa no processo do adoecimento, tendo a oportunidade de incorporar e desenvolver os princípios dos Cuidados Paliativos (CP). Na perspectiva holística da saúde a religião/religiosidade/espiritualidade é uma das possibilidades de cuidado e manejo, porém ainda muito negligenciada pelos profissionais da saúde, seja por desconhecimento ou preconceitos e tabus, mas que se torna essencial no (...)
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    Space of the cineclub of death to create mental health in the academic community.Janaina Luiza dos Santos, Ana Carolina Ferreira Castanho, Alexandre Diniz Breder, Lilian Cláudia Ulian Junqueira, Benita Caetano Lima de Souza, Yasmin de Miranda Sant’ Ana Valle, Ana Claudia Moreira Monteiro & Irene Bulcão - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:300-312.
    La película es una expresión artística que permite a los estudiantes entrar en contacto con temas sensibles, como la muerte, el duelo y los cuidados paliativos. Este Proyecto de Extensión tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia de la comunidad académica de una Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro con el Cineclube da Morte. Su propuesta metodológica es producir procesos de aprendizaje con el propósito de difundir y dilucidar temas relacionados con la finitud humana y cualquier tema que permea la muerte (...)
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    Combined Chair-Based Exercises Improve Functional Fitness, Mental Well-Being, Salivary Steroid Balance, and Anti-microbial Activity in Pre-frail Older Women.Guilherme Eustáquio Furtado, Rubens Vinícius Letieri, Adriana Silva-Caldo, Joice C. S. Trombeta, Clara Monteiro, Rafael Nogueira Rodrigues, Ana Vieira-Pedrosa, Marcelo Paes Barros, Cláudia Regina Cavaglieri, Eef Hogervorst, Ana Maria Teixeira & José Pedro Ferreira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionRegular exercise has long been shown to positively impact the immune system responsiveness and improve mental well-being. However, the putative links between biomarkers of mental health and immune efficiency in exercising subjects have been scarcely investigated. The aim of this study was to verify the effect of a 14-week combined chair-based exercise program on salivary steroid hormones and anti-microbial proteins, functional fitness, and MWB indexes in pre-frail older women.MethodsThe participant women were randomly divided into the exercising group and the non-exercising (...)
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    Reflexões Acerca Do Estado Nacional Burguês (Brasileiro) a Partir de Claudia Von Braunmühl.Rafael Siqueira Monteiro - 2023 - Complexitas – Revista de Filosofia Temática 7 (2).
    A presente reflexão acerca do estado nação burguês (brasileiro) a partir de Claudia Von Braunmühl, buscou identificar, em grandes linhas, as ideias que compõem sua teoria sobre o “estado nação burguês” e relacioná-las ao Brasil. Nessa breve reflexão, constatou-se que, embora sua teoria seja importante para pensar o estado brasileiro, enquanto parte integrante do mercado mundial, ela precisa ser complementada com autores que o pensam a partir de suas especificidades históricas.
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    A Critical Review of Students’ and Teachers’ Understandings of Nature of Science.Claudia Vergara, Martina Valencia, José Pavez, David Santibáñez, Paola Núñez & Hernán Cofré - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (3 - 5):205-248.
    There is widespread agreement that an adequate understanding of the nature of science (NOS) is a critical component of scientific literacy and a major goal in science education. However, we still do not know many specific details regarding how students and teachers learn particular aspects of NOS and what are the most important feature traits of instruction. In this context, the main objective of this review is to analyze articles from nine main science education journals that consider the teaching of (...)
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    Nation in Pieces: The Gathering of Francisco Plancarte's Archaeological Collection in Late 19th-Century Mexico.Claudia Espejel - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (3):521-539.
    Francisco Plancarte y Navarrete, a priest born in Zamora, Michoacán, México, was both a prominent clergyman and a dedicated archaeologist. His studies on the ancient cultures of México were highlighted by his gathering of two archaeological collections, the first of which included some 3000 archaeological pieces, many from excavations he conducted himself and many more that he obtained as gifts from family, friends, and parishioners. This paper focuses on his donors in order to reveal the diverse interests that antiquities aroused (...)
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    Access and use of human tissues from the developing world: ethical challenges and a way forward using a tissue trust.Claudia I. Emerson, Peter A. Singer & Ross Eg Upshur - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):1-5.
    Scientists engaged in global health research are increasingly faced with barriers to access and use of human tissues from the developing world communities where much of their research is targeted. In part, the problem can be traced to distrust of researchers from affluent countries, given the history of 'scientific-imperialism' and 'biocolonialism' reflected in past well publicized cases of exploitation of research participants from low to middle income countries. To a considerable extent, the failure to adequately engage host communities, the opacity (...)
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  9. “Vuoto d’autore: indeterminazione, non intenzionalità e organizzazione nella poetica di John Cage.”.Claudia Landolfi - 2014 - Aperture 30 (2037-2558).
    The paper is focused on the intedermination in compositive processes. In particular on John Cage. The art and the thought of Cage were a response to the growing complexity of the world through a practice and a reflection that focuses heavily on the concept of emptiness, understood as technical decentralization of: the author of the musical structure and the individual and of the same identification of sounds. This complexity results from a network of independent nodes, subjects, activities and institutions that (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Simone de Beauvoir.Claudia Card (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Simone de Beauvoir was a philosopher and writer of notable range and influence whose work is central to feminist theory, French existentialism, and contemporary moral and social philosophy. The essays in this 2003 volume examine all the major aspects of her thought, including her views on issues such as the role of biology, sexuality and sexual difference, and evil, the influence on her work of Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Husserl, and others, and the philosophical significance of her memoirs and fiction. New (...)
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  11. “Il governo del corpo attraverso il movimento disciplinato e la ricerca della variazione intensiva nella contact improvisation.”.Claudia Landolfi - 2014 - Passparnous 17 (2281-9223).
    The object of this investigation is the connection between dance and modern philosophy. The body has been disciplined in modern era in a very peculiar way which is conveyed into governmental processes of optimization of the bodily potentiality. Dance has not only an aesthetic value but a political one. In this contribution I analyse the government of the body through disciplined movement and the research for the intensive variations in the contemporary sperimental 'contact improvisation'.
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  12.  34
    David Hume: Reason in History.Claudia M. Schmidt - 2003 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In his seminal _Philosophy of David Hume_, Norman Kemp Smith called for a study of Hume "in all his manifold activities: as philosopher, as political theorist, as economist, as historian, and as man of letters," indicating that "Hume's philosophy, as the attitude of mind that found for itself these various forms of expression, will then have been presented, adequately and in due perspective, for the first time." Claudia Schmidt seeks to address this long-standing need in Hume scholarship. Against the charges (...)
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    (1 other version)“Something else is happening” in Barbara Guest’s poems: the art of creating events.Claudia Desblaches - 2017 - Methodos 17.
    La poésie de Barbara Guest s’inscrit à l’encontre des attentes de lecture habituelles, les événements du poème ayant la priorité sur le contenu : le sujet du poème s’efface en faveur de la plasticité à l’œuvre. Les poèmes- événements requièrent la participation imaginative du lecteur. Plusieurs événements et procédés se croisent : peinture et musique se côtoient en empruntant des processus humains comme le cinéma, le jeu sur la plasticité de l’œuvre d’art, la collaboration artistique, tissage et dé-tissage, mais aussi (...)
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    A exposição poética na metafísica do belo de Schopenhauer.Cláudia Assunpção Dias - 2017 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 8 (1):71.
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    (1 other version)Editorial Introduction to the Special Themed Issue : Contemplative Practice, Education, and Socio- Political Transformation.Claudia Eppert & Daniel Vokey - 2012 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 20 (2):1-3.
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    Dominique Pradelle, Intuition et idealites. Phenomenologie des objets mathematiques.Claudia Șerban - 2021 - Studia Phaenomenologica 21:385-388.
  17. El status de la pólis sana en la República de Platón.Claudia Mársico - 1999 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 34 (74):149-168.
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    A angústia tratada como um afeto.Claudia Murta - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 23 (33):359.
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    Zur zukünftigen Arbeit der Schriftleitung der Zeitschrift „Ethik in der Medizin“.Claudia Wiesemann & Marcus Düwell - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (3):171-173.
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    Ethik im Journalismus: individualethische Überlegungen zu einer journalistischen Berufsethik.Claudia Wild - 1990 - Wien: VWGÖ.
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  21. Citizen sensing - development of a participatory risk management system.Asma Mehan, Paula Gonçalves, Ana Monteiro, Paulo Conceição & Sara Cruz - 2019 - 12th CITTA International Conference on Planning Research.
    Climate change exposes ecological and socio-economic systems to risks. The identified disparities in knowledge about the social climate system are at the root of the difficulties in perceiving and understanding the diversity of risks related to climate change. The still huge gap between what science and technological innovation can contribute to mitigation and what is unmanageable by humans inevitably requires a continuous process of adaptation. This work is part of the research associated with the European project (under the ERA4CS) 'Citizen (...)
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    Damaged Identities, Narrative Repair.Claudia Card - 2002 - International Philosophical Quarterly 42 (2):283-284.
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    (1 other version)“To be or not to be Retained … That’s the Question!” Retention, Self-esteem, Self-concept, Achievement Goals, and Grades.Francisco Peixoto, Vera Monteiro, Lourdes Mata, Cristina Sanches, Joana Pipa & Leandro S. Almeida - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Redefining the Synthetic a Priori.Claudia Cavaliere - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (2).
    At B19, Kant summarizes the general problem of pure reason in the problem of synthetic a priori judgments. The vicissitudes that have affected last century’s philosophy are, in this sense, a confirmation of its significance: the problem of synthetic a priori knowledge has indeed crossed all the major philosophical currents of the twentieth century, being treated in a wide variety of ways by phenomenologists, logical empiricists, and pragmatists. One of the most original treatments of the issue is that offered by (...)
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  25.  32
    Metaphorical instruction and body memory.Claudia Béger - 2012 - In Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.), Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. John Benjamins. pp. 84--187.
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    Nuovi libri.Claudia Bianchi - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia 93 (3).
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    Représenter les langues des signes sous forme écrite : questions qui ont besoin (encore aujourd’hui) d’être posées.Claudia S. Bianchini - 2021 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 19.
    Les langues des signes sont des langues qui n’ont pas un système d’écriture qui leur est propre et qui, par leur nature visuo-gestuelle, ne peuvent pas être écrites phonographiquement. Les conséquences de cette « non‑scriptibilité » sont au centre des travaux menés à partir de 2000 par Elena Antinoro Pizzuto. EAP, décédée en 2011, mettait en évidence les biais que l’utilisation des « gloses », employées comme substituts de la transcription, induisent dans l’analyse linguistique des LS. Ces 10 dernières années, (...)
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  28.  19
    Kants Metaphysik der „Einen Erfahrung“. Analyse der formalen und der materialen Bedingungen ihrer Möglichkeit.Claudia Bickmann - 1871 - In Rainer Enskat (ed.), Kants Theorie der Erfahrung. Boston: Ferd. Dümmler. pp. 273-296.
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    Sein und Selbst-Sein: Hegels Idee der Selbsterkenntnis zwischen Sich-Bestimmen und Sich-Setzen.Claudia Bickmann - 2012 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):34-39.
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    Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy.Claudia Faggian, Marie-Renée Fleury-Donnadieu & Myriam Quatrini - 2004 - In Thomas Ehrhard (ed.), Linear logic in computer science. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 316--236.
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    Aristofane e la poetica dell'ingiuria.Claudia N. Fernández - 2007 - Synthesis (la Plata) 14:129-134.
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    Commedie di Aristofane: A cura di Giuseppe Mastromarco e Piero Totaro.Claudia Fernández - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:180-184.
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    La tiranía del disfraz: algunas consideraciones en torno al papel de la vestimenta en la Comedia Griega Antigua.Claudia N. Fernández - 2010 - Synthesis (la Plata) 17:81-97.
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    Modelo literario, perfil psicológico, y significado alegórico en los personajes del Mimo I de Herondas.Claudia N. Fernández - 2006 - Synthesis (la Plata) 13:95-111.
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  35.  12
    Crime and Punishment.Claudia Verhoeven - 2010 - In Harold Bloom Blake Hobby (ed.), Bloom's Literary Themes: Civil Disobedience. pp. 117.
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  36. Recognizing Terrorism.Claudia Card - 2007 - The Journal of Ethics 11 (1):1-29.
    It has been claimed that most of the world’s preventable suffering and death are caused not by terrorism but by poverty. That claim, if true, could be hard to substantiate. For most terrorism is not publicly recognized as such, and it is far commoner than paradigms of the usual suspects suggest. Everyday lives under oppressive regimes, in racist environments, and of women, children, and elders everywhere who suffer violence in their homes offer instances of terrorisms that seldom capture public attention. (...)
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  37. Das verhüllte Rätsel Verschwinden und Erscheinen in der surrealistischen Kunst.Claudia Blümle - 2016 - Zeitschrift Fuer Medien Und Kulturforschung 2016 (7):125-141.
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    Contents.Claudia J. Brodsky - 1987 - In The Imposition of Form: Studies in Narrative Representation and Knowledge. Princeton University Press.
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    Coda.Claudia J. Brodsky - 1987 - In The Imposition of Form: Studies in Narrative Representation and Knowledge. Princeton University Press. pp. 307-308.
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    7. Remembering Swann.Claudia J. Brodsky - 1987 - In The Imposition of Form: Studies in Narrative Representation and Knowledge. Princeton University Press. pp. 262-306.
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  41. Szondi and Hegel:“The Troubled Relationship of Literary Criticism to Philosophy”.Claudia Brodsky - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (140):45-63.
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  42. Literacidad en salud para personas con condiciones de salud crónicas.Claudia Bustamante, Claudia Alcayaga, Solange Campos, Mila Urrutia & Ilta Lange - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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    Genealogies and Perspectives.Claudia Card - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (3):99-111.
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    Joyce Trebilcot: Member of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Outsiders On the Occasion of the Publication of Dyke Ideas and of Her Retirement from Teaching at Washington University in St. Louis.Claudia Card - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (4):169-175.
    In 1994, Joyce Trebilcot retired from teaching at Washington University in St. Louis, where she had founded the Women's Studies Program and had been a member of the Philosophy Department since 1970. In the Fall of 1994 I participated on a SWIP conference panel on her book Dyke Ideas conference; I used that occasion also to reminisce and place her work in the context of her life as a SWIP activist.1 What follows is adapted from that presentation.
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    The informational support for upright stance.Claudia Carello, M. T. Turvey & Peter N. Kugler - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):151-152.
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    Der Stammbaum: Zeit, Raum und Alltagstechnologie in den Vererbungswissenschaften.Claudia Castañeda - 2002 - In Sigrid Weigel (ed.), Genealogie Und Genetik: Schnittstellen Zwischen Biologie Und Kulturgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 57-70.
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    Linguaggio e teorie scientifiche.Claudia Casadio (ed.) - 1981 - Bologna: Clueb.
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  48. Significato e categorie.Claudia Casadio - 1987 - Clueb.
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    Posterior cerebral artery.Claudia Chaves & L. Caplan - 1995 - In Julien Bogousslavsky & Louis Caplan (eds.), Stroke Syndromes. Cambridge University Press. pp. 479--489.
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  50.  16
    Professionalization of Clinical Ethics Consultants: A Need for Liability Protection?Claudia R. Sotomayor, Christopher Spevak & Edward R. Grant - forthcoming - HEC Forum:1-17.
    Clinical Ethics Consultation (CEC) has grown significantly in the last decade, and efforts are being made to professionalize the practice. The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) has been instrumental in this process, having published the _Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities for Healthcare Ethics Consultants_ and founded and endorsed the creation of the _Healthcare Ethics Consultant Certified (HCEC) Certification Commission._ The ASBH also published “core competencies” for healthcare ethics consultants and has delineated a clear identity and role of (...)
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